Thank you for your understanding! We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact your coordinator.
Which examinations are usually conducted prior to fertility treatment?
Examinations that a doctor usually conducts in order to determine the appropriate course of action include:
If we pass the test, will we have to undergo IVF?
The initial examination is followed by a consultation with our IVF specialist. If the doctor does not find a problem on the part of either partner, he/she will give recommendations to increase your chances of natural conception. However, if the doctor sees obstacles to natural conception or you no longer want to wait, he/she will outline what treatment options you have. It is entirely up to you whether or not you decide to undergo an assisted reproduction option. You can decide during your consultation or at any time afterwards. We believe it essential to the success of your treatment that you stand by your decision, feel safe and comfortable and trust our specialists.
Can I go through the examination alone?
Of course. You can come to the initial examination alone without a partner or in a couple. It is only natural that each partner can take a different amount of time to reach a decision to address fertility proactively with the help of experts. However, if you have been trying for a baby for more than a year, or over the age of 35 for more than half a year, then it is definitely a good idea to check your fertility status. If we discover a problem, we will suggest a proactive approach to solving it as soon as possible. You can then discuss these options with your partner and they can take the test with us at a later date. IVF treatment itself will then always be undertaken as a couple.
How much does IVF with donor eggs cost?
The price of IVF with donated eggs is higher than methods with your own eggs because it covers the costs associated with the donor, including her selection, examination, hormonal stimulation and egg retrieval. You are, however, guaranteed 2 embryos suitable for transfer included in the price.
How do the mother’s genes affect the donated egg?
One of your questions when deciding whether to choose egg donation is, how and if the mother’s genes can affect the donated egg? New studies show that you, as the recipient, can affect the gene expression of the baby from the donated egg in two ways. The first is epigenetics, which studies changes caused by molecules in the womb other than DNA help. These can affect the embryo before implantation. The second way is lifestyle, which affects every pregnancy, and a responsible attitude will positively affect your baby, ensuring an optimal environment for development.
Will I have one dedicated doctor for the duration of my treatment?
Your treatment is led by one dedicated doctor. This ensures continuity throughout the entire treatment and a more personal approach. Of course, your doctor may not be available on your visit due to the likes of illness or holiday. In this case, a doctor from our team will step in, having been given full information about your treatment plan. Your personal coordinator will continue to be available to you and you will then resume your treatment with your doctor.
How long will I have to stay in the clinic after the embryo transfer?
The transfer of the embryo into the uterus takes place at our clinic and is a short, simple and painless process. The doctor transfers the selected embryo under ultrasound control. It is similar to a normal visit to the gynaecologist and you can leave immediately after the embryo transfer.
What should I do after the embryo transfer?
After the embryo transfer, follow the rest regime recommended by your doctor. This means avoiding heavy physical activity, including sports, lifting heavy objects, as well as sexual intercourse, hot baths or saunas. We also recommend you relax, unwind and think positively.
What is the native and minimum cycle?
In assisted reproduction, there are several options in retreiving an egg suitable for fertilisation. One is a native cycle, which takes place completely without hormonal stimulation, or a cycle with minimal hormonal stimulation, where you inject only low doses of medication. After completing the initial examination and if your doctor deems such a cycle appropriate in your particular case, you can undergo this treatment.
There are several reasons why some women prefer this option:
Whilst typical hormonal stimulation has some disadvantages, its upsides prevail, alco in comparison to cycles with no or little stimulation:
Does the injection hurt during stimulation?
Injections containing the necessary medication for stimulation are usually not painful, but this depends on your sensitivity. Injections are administered using injection pens with a short, thin needle, and are injected into appropriate places on the abdomen. It is important to rotate the injection sites as directed by your nurse or doctor. Some women find it psychologically helpful to have their partner administer the injection.
What are the risks of IVF?
Although you will be under the care of experts who work hard to minimise all possible risks, various complications can occur during the treatment process. The most common is hormonal stimulation ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), which is an increased ovarian response to medication.
Complications during egg retrieval, such as bleeding into the abdominal cavity are rare. However, it is best to have an IVF specialist doctor assess the possible risks in your particular case. Your doctor will always try to design a treatment and stimulation plan that minimises the risks.
How much does assisted reproduction cost?
Just as each couple’s treatment is unique, the cost of artificial insemination varies. You can check our online price list for basic prices, but the final cost depends on your doctor’s recommendation and your choice of advanced laboratory methods. Your coordinator can also offer you discounted packages of services.
What should I do after egg retrieval?
After egg retrieval, you should follow the rest plan recommended by your doctor. Immediately after the procedure, you will rest for approximately two hours at our clinic. The doctor will then, assuming there are no issues, release you accompanied by an escort. You should not drive a car following the procedure. In the following days, make sure you replenish sufficient fluids and avoid major physical exertion and sports. If you feel unwell, contact your coordinator who will discuss the situation with you and arrange a check-up with your doctor.
When should a test be taken after assisted reproduction?
Always take a pregnancy test after assisted reproduction on the day specified by your doctor. This is typically 14 days after the transfer. Please be aware that a test taken too soon may show up negative, even though the embryo has attached. This is likely to cause you unnecessary stress. The amount of the hormone hCG the test detects increases gradually, and the test will only detect it with certainty on the first day of your expected period. We understand that this is a stressful situation, so be aware that your coordinator is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
What happens to the body after embryo transfer?
After the transfer of the embryo into the uterus, in the ideal scenario, the embryo will nest. This process may be accompanied by light bleeding in some cases, but there is no need to worry about this. After successful implantation, the fetus begins to produce the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG, which sustains the pregnancy and ultimately leads to a positive pregnancy test.
How is stimulation during IVF performed?
Depending on examination results, the doctor will determine an appropriate stimulation protocol and prescribe you the necessary medication. All details regarding stimulation will be explained to you in detail. Stimulation usually starts on the 2nd or 3rd day of your menstrual cycle and lasts for a total of 8 to 10 days. Depending on the results of the follow-up ultrasound, your doctor will decide whether to adjust the stimulation protocol or set a date for egg retrieval.
Is egg retrieval possible without anaesthesia?
For smaller numbers of eggs, usually in cases of natural or minimally stimulated cycles, you can opt for a procedure without general anaesthesia. This is a quick procedure for which the doctor uses a special thin needle. However, pain tolerence is always an individual matter and the choice of anesthesia is your decision.
How does the egg retrieval process work?
Egg retrieval takes place at our clinic at a time determined by the doctor according to the maturity of the eggs. The procedure usually takes place under general anaesthesia and lasts between 10 and 20 minutes. After waking up and having a short rest, which should be at least for two hours, you can go home accompanied by an escort. You should not drive after the procedure.
Who is an IVF Coordinator?
Your personal IVF Coordinator speaks your language and is your liaison with the clinic. Your IVF Coordinator will look after you throughout the treatment process. She will arrange appointments in partnership with you, prepare you for your consultations so that you feel at ease, and advise you on the necessary documents and steps to take in all procedures.She will be available during treatment for any questions or concerns you may have. She will also be present at all consultations, examinations and is available for all administrative tasks where you may need translation into your own language.