
We are acutely aware that the infertility treatment process is very demanding, especially emotionally. That is why we gather information from our experts so that you too can learn what is important for couples in a similar situation. You can learn more about reproductive health, artificial insemination, fertility preservation and related topics.


The time is now! 

Are you celebrating your 35th birthday and longing for a baby, but can’t get pregnant? After the age of 35, the quality of your eggs begins to decline, which means your chances of getting pregnant decrease with each passing year. A woman’s age is a key factor that doctors must consider when treating infertility. The earlier you decide to seek the help of assisted reproduction, the better your chances of success and a positive pregnancy test. Don’t wait until it’s too late!


The average age of women undergoing infertility treatment exceeded 36 years 

Data published by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics confirm the importance of the existence of assisted reproduction centres. According to these results, women are postponing motherhood to an ever later period. Our goal at Prague Fertility Centre is to do everything we can to ensure that all couples who visit us can fulfil their dream of having a baby.


March = Endometriosis Awareness Month 

The disease, which affects up to a tenth of women of reproductive age to varying degrees, is still relatively unknown to the public. It can cause serious health complications, including infertility. But early diagnosis and treatment can help many women. March has become Endometriosis Awareness Month worldwide.

Useful tips

Love and IVF: Why romance is also important on the road to baby 

Valentine’s Day is the holiday of lovers, a celebration of love and tenderness. For many couples, parenthood is the epitome of fulfilled love. If the road to having a baby is difficult, the mutual support, trust and tenderness in the partnership is all the more important. At Prague Fertility Centre, we are committed to helping you fulfil your wish for a healthy pregnancy and a happy baby in your arms.

Small steps towards big changes: How to Persevere on the Road to Motherhood 

The last year of the first quarter century began with great plans and expectations. Some of them are related to health, others to self-fulfillment, others to the family hearth or a longed-for pregnancy. We bring you hints and tips to help you persevere and bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams.

Useful tips

Organic food vs. Male fertility 

Sperm quality, which is usually expressed in terms of adequate sperm count, proper motility (or the fact that sperm are not lazy and are often motivated to win the battle to fertilise the egg) and healthy morphology (i.e. sperm are real lookers) has declined by 50 – 60% over the last 40 years, which is alarming to say the least. Healthy lifestyle and environment seem to play a significant role in the decline. However, these are very broad terms. Let’s look together at specific tips on how male fertility can be influenced.